今日は「詩仙堂」を紹介します∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!! 皆さん「ししおどし」をご存知ですか???「ししおどし」は竹筒で、中にゆっくり水が溜まって一杯になるとコンと音を出します!!!昔は動物や鳥を追い払うために使われていたようですが、今は音を楽しむものになっているんですよ( ^ω^ )!!!! 「詩仙堂」は日本で最初の「ししおどし」が作られた場所なんですよ!!!!! 是非行ってみてくださいね!!!!
Today I will introduce “Shisendo”. Do you know “shishiodoshi”??? It is lengths of bamboo that slowly fill with water and then empty out, making a knocking sound!!! In the past, it was used to scare away animals and birds, but now people just like rhythmic sound. The first “shishiodoshi” in Japan which is made in “Shisendo”!!!!!! If you have time, you should see it∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!!