今日は「嵐山モンキーパーク」をご紹介します😃!!!! 目の前でたくさんのお猿さんたちが観れる観光客穴場スポットです( ^ω^ )!!!!そこにはルールが…… お猿さんの目を見ない、お猿さんに触らない、食べ物を見せない・与えないが鉄則です∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!!!! 是非行ってみては?????
Today I will introduce “Arashiyama monkey park”!!! It is a little-known but good place where you can see many monkeys in front of you ( ^ω^ )!!!But there are rules…”Do not look at the eyes of the monkey”, “Do not touch the monkey”, “Do not show or give food to monkey” This is the basic rules∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!! Why don’t you visit there?????
Hi! Today, our acquaintance gave us a souvenir from Israel! Actually, we don’t know exactly what this is because we don’t understand Hebrew word (^^;) But it might be “dates” and it’s very popular among Middle East countries! (Referee from Internet 😛) It tastes very good like Hoshigaki, a dried persimmons in Japan! We recommend you to buy this sweets if you are going to Middle East countries~!
How’s going everyone. We are ready preparing “somen” for a limited summer only. 🌞Unfortunately, It has been becoming less and less to eat somen these days for me. ´д` ; How about you?? Then, Let’s have a daily special meal with somen, and enjoy the summer of Kyoto from nowa restaurant!!
We uploaded event information in Kyoto. From yesterday, Yamaboko building has been started for Atomatsuri of Gion festival. You can enjoy illuminated Yamaboko and Yamaboko parade, but there is no pedestrians paradise or food booth. Also, we introduce Ukai in Arashiyama lasting until September.
Yesterday was “Marine day”. It’s a public holiday in Japan! Anyways, did you go to sea? Kyoto has sea at TANGO. It takes about 2 hours by train, 1.5 hours by car( ^ω^ )!!!! Now is the best season to go to sea,so you should go there!!!! It should be fun∧( ‘Θ’ )∧
皆さん鵜飼をご存知でしょうか( ^ω^ )?鵜飼とは、鳥の鵜を使って鮎を捕まえる伝統的な釣りの手法です∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!! 1300年もの長い歴史があるんですよ!!!!!!!京都の嵐山で9/23まで行われてるので気になる方は是非見に行ってみてはいかがですか😀????
Do you know “UKAI”( ^ω^ )? “UKAI” is the traditional fishing way to catch ayu using the trained cormorant∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!! It has about 1300 years history!!!!!! You can watch it at Arashiyama until 9/23!! If you Re interested in it, you should go there😀!
Our cute staffs participated Gion festival yesterday∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!!!!! Did you go there? Are you going to join it? There are many street stalls and fun places😀 If you are interested in it, you should join it( ^ω^ )!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to the pottery school for making a hand forming ware with my colleague last month! We went to Zuikougama in Higashiyama. The teacher taught us simply and kindly, so we could make each own hand-formed ware! We have an information at our front desk, so please don not hesitate to ask us
本日の着物体験のお客様です(*^^*)モデルさんのように美しくて、着物がとっても似合っていました。シンガポール出身で、現在は上海に住んでいるそうです。実は私、今度上海に旅行に行く予定なんです!おすすめのバー情報などたくさん教えてもらいました♫ Today’s kimono experience. She looked so beautiful with kimono(*^^*) She is originally from Singapore and now live in Shanghai. Surprisingly, I am going to visit Shanghai this summer for the vacation, so She gave me a lot of nice information about there. Thank you♡
8月24日木曜日に「能楽チャリティ公演~被災地復興、京都からの祈り~」がロームシアター京都にて行われます( ^ω^ )!!! 入場券(義援金)は1500円で1部、2部それぞれに入場券が必要となります。プラス500円支払えば能をレクチャーして貰えるのだとか∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!興味がおありの方は是非行ってみてはいかがですか😃?
You can watch a “Noh Charity Performance~prayers from Kyoto for Reconstruction of Japan’s Disaster-affected Regions~ at ROAM Theatre on August 24, Thursday( ^ω^ )!!!!!! Admission tickets are ¥1500 each for part1 and part2. Holders of ticket stubs for part1 and/or part2 can attend the Lecture and Interactive Noh Experience for an additional ¥500∧( ‘Θ’ )∧!!!! If you are interested in it, you should go and join!!!!!